Kunya Ark Palace - The museum of A ncient Khorezm

"Kunya Ark Palace" (Ancient Fortress) Khiva is one of the palace palaces of Ichan-Kala. Here is an exposition of the section "Ancient Khorezm". The total area is 130x93m.

The exhibition "Ancient Khorezm" mosque of the khans was an exhibition of ancient Khorezm. The exhibition features 439 exhibits. They include a historical period from the ancient history of Khorezm to the creation of the Khiva Khanate. The museum was founded in 1920. In the section "Ancient Khorezm" the exposition of the Khan Khan, the exposition of the dervish, the second exposition of the Khorezm sopoli, the exposition of the Khorezm Sopoli, coins, pulse, summer and winter mosques of horses, Ancient Khorezm was presented. "The most interesting part in the section - Chinese porcelain lagoon, which has a 700-year history of the Chinese Empire, developed by Chinese ceramists.

The section is under reconstruction. One of our next tasks is the organization of exhibitions dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the celebration of Independence Day, the provision of exemplary museum services for tourists.

The mosque was built in the XIX century.

Useful area of ​​the exhibition - 160sq.m.