In ancient Khiva, a traditional melon festival began

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Since ancient times Khorezm region has been glorified as a region where a significant part of all the known varieties of melons is grown. The Gurvak variety brought a special glory to the region, in honor of which the festival "Gurvak - a symbol of melons of Khorezm", which is held annually in Khiva in the framework of the execution of the decree of the President of Uzbekistan PK-1940 dated March 20, 2013 "On the tourism development program in the Khorezm region for 2013-2015 ".

August 6 of this year on the area "Kitchen Arch" of the state museum-reserve "Ichan-Kalah" will be held the next trade exhibition that promotes popularization among foreign tourists and residents of our country, melons as a special melon culture. Many people know about the beneficial properties of this product. Melon is loved not only for its delicate taste, fresh aroma, but also for the dietary properties and benefits it brings to the human body.

 In 100 gr. Melon contains 88.5 g of water, 0.6 g of protein, 7.4 g of carbohydrates, as well as pectin fibers and organic acid. In melon contains up to 20 mg of vitamin C, which increases immunity and saves a person from various kinds of diseases, improves digestion, the state of the intestinal microflora, allows to purify from cholesterol and rejuvenate the body. It also contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, iodine, beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair are useful for the circulatory system, with liver diseases, stones in the kidney and bladder, and anemia, as well as atherosclerosis and some other cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, melon can enhance mood, because in it, namely in the pulp, contains serotonin, which contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness. Also in the melon is a lot of silicon - a mineral, extremely useful for the connective tissue of the body, it strengthens the hair and becomes cleaner skin, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Within the framework of the events, performances of folklore ethnographic collectives from regions, young performers will be organized, and theatrical performances of the regional puppet theater and the Ogakh Theater will be shown.