208th anniversary of birthday "Ogoxiy"

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Department of Culture of the City of Khiva December 17, 2017 in the Museum of the House of Ogah in the village of Staroye Dzhioi, dedicated to the 208th anniversary of the birth of the great Uzbek poet, translator, historian, statesman Muhammad Rizo Erniozbek Coal Ogahi, The event was called "The Word at the End of Time" . Participants of the event visited the cemetery of Sheikh Mavlon-Bobo, where at 10:00 AM the grave of Ogah was in the village of Old Kyoto.

 At 11:00 am guests were greeted by the sounds of karnai-surnay in front of the House Museum. Guests and participants of the event laid flowers at the Ogahi monument, located in the park named after the poet. The poet got acquainted with the exhibitions in the House-Museum. After that, Mayor of Khiva Hokim Erkin Yagubov opened a spiritual and educational event. Chairman of the Creative Union of Regional Writers, Honored Cultural Worker of Uzbekistan Gavkhar Ibodullaeva, Chairman of the Khorezm Foundation Nuroniya Otanazar Pirnazarov, Chairman Oltina Merosh Komilon Nurjanov, Sotim Avaz, poet Uktam Davletyov made speeches and samples of their work. Otabek Ismailov, Rahimba Karimov, Dovlat Rakhimov and others read poems about the life and work of the poet.