Warning: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/www/sites/web341/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/:/tmp/) в функции drupal_tempnam() (строка 2504 в файле /var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/httpdocs/includes/file.inc).
Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty в функции file_unmanaged_save_data() (строка 1962 в файле /var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/httpdocs/includes/file.inc).
Невозможно создать файл.
Warning: tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/www/sites/web341/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/:/tmp/) в функции drupal_tempnam() (строка 2504 в файле /var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/httpdocs/includes/file.inc).
Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty в функции file_unmanaged_save_data() (строка 1962 в файле /var/www/vhosts/khivamuseum.uz/httpdocs/includes/file.inc).
Невозможно создать файл.
In connection with the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Khiva library of the Museum of the Library. Ichan-Kala - December 6, 2017, together with the students of the school № 6 of the city of Khiva, a round table on the theme "Constitution" was held. Our goal in the round table is to teach the reader in a more perfect way, to contribute to the development of our developing country and make the youth an all-encompassing generation. Our Constitution covers all aspects of human life, including the upbringing of children, medical care, education, freedom of choice, freedom of conscience, preservation of cultural values and other issues. "Great. After the adoption of the Constitution, which is considered a lover of happiness, each rule of the Constitution is implemented consistently. The staff of the museum gave detailed answers to the questions raised by the students. The round table was intense and very interesting. The round table was attended by researchers from the State Museum-Reserve "Khiva Ichan-Kala" - A.Masharipova, F.Rahimov, O.Sotimov, Z.Bekchanova, M.Karimova, museum librarian M.Saidova and others.
Our Constitution Our Happiness
In connection with the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Khiva library of the Museum of the Library. Ichan-Kala - December 6, 2017, together with the students of the school № 6 of the city of Khiva, a round table on the theme "Constitution" was held. Our goal in the round table is to teach the reader in a more perfect way, to contribute to the development of our developing country and make the youth an all-encompassing generation. Our Constitution covers all aspects of human life, including the upbringing of children, medical care, education, freedom of choice, freedom of conscience, preservation of cultural values and other issues. "Great. After the adoption of the Constitution, which is considered a lover of happiness, each rule of the Constitution is implemented consistently. The staff of the museum gave detailed answers to the questions raised by the students. The round table was intense and very interesting. The round table was attended by researchers from the State Museum-Reserve "Khiva Ichan-Kala" - A.Masharipova, F.Rahimov, O.Sotimov, Z.Bekchanova, M.Karimova, museum librarian M.Saidova and others.