One of the most widespread types of Khorezmian applied art is the pattern of embroidery. Copper carvings - Artistic metal products are made of carved or lace-like patterns. The copper carpets were created in Khiva, Xonqa, Urgench, Khazarasp, and built a copper-carving school in Khorezm.
The copper carving in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Khorezm has preserved their distinctive features that are different from other regions. The Kogon cistern used for hand washing in Khorezm has a completely original shape and is unkempt, snowy and has a thin, fine-grained necklace.
In Khiva's craftsmanship, painting masters have a special place, they have prepared sketches of various patterns for the masters. The famous Khiva famous composers Matkarim Negmatullaev, Eshmuhammad Hudayberganov, and Hudaybergan devon were used by all the skilled artists at that time. In the 70's of the 20th century, a school of art production was established in Khiva, and it was the first step in continuing the craftsmanship, which has evolved over the centuries and attracted the younger generation to these crafts. The art of Khorezm is simple but impressive with its sensitivity, deepness of the ground, and playfulness of patterns. Masters decorate artwork with "islamic", "complex Islamic", "circular", "girix" and other patterns.
Representatives of Khorezmian copper school Muhammad Pano, H.Matchanov, Sobirjon, Yusuf and Matpan Hudayberganov, X.Said Niyazov, B.Yokubov, O.Madrahimov are among them.
Everyone who sees the art of copper painting exhibited at the Khorezm Museum of Applied Arts will no doubt enjoy the beauty of the world and maintain its colorfulness. Here are exhibited sandwiches, tungsten, samovar, trays, clay pots and jars, made in the XIX-XX centuries. In them, there are verses from the Qur'anic verses written in the Arabic alphabet with the name, the date when the master was worked.
The Art of Woodcarving
One of the most widespread types of Khorezmian applied art is the pattern of embroidery. Copper carvings - Artistic metal products are made of carved or lace-like patterns. The copper carpets were created in Khiva, Xonqa, Urgench, Khazarasp, and built a copper-carving school in Khorezm.
The copper carving in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Khorezm has preserved their distinctive features that are different from other regions. The Kogon cistern used for hand washing in Khorezm has a completely original shape and is unkempt, snowy and has a thin, fine-grained necklace.
In Khiva's craftsmanship, painting masters have a special place, they have prepared sketches of various patterns for the masters. The famous Khiva famous composers Matkarim Negmatullaev, Eshmuhammad Hudayberganov, and Hudaybergan devon were used by all the skilled artists at that time. In the 70's of the 20th century, a school of art production was established in Khiva, and it was the first step in continuing the craftsmanship, which has evolved over the centuries and attracted the younger generation to these crafts. The art of Khorezm is simple but impressive with its sensitivity, deepness of the ground, and playfulness of patterns. Masters decorate artwork with "islamic", "complex Islamic", "circular", "girix" and other patterns.
Representatives of Khorezmian copper school Muhammad Pano, H.Matchanov, Sobirjon, Yusuf and Matpan Hudayberganov, X.Said Niyazov, B.Yokubov, O.Madrahimov are among them.
Everyone who sees the art of copper painting exhibited at the Khorezm Museum of Applied Arts will no doubt enjoy the beauty of the world and maintain its colorfulness. Here are exhibited sandwiches, tungsten, samovar, trays, clay pots and jars, made in the XIX-XX centuries. In them, there are verses from the Qur'anic verses written in the Arabic alphabet with the name, the date when the master was worked.