Palov is the Uzbek national food

Palov o‘zbek oshxonasining eng tansiq taomi, xalqimizning mexmondo‘stligi va bag‘rikengligi ifodasi, dasturxonimiz ko‘rki. YuNESKO qo‘mitasi 11 – sessiyasida “Palov madaniyati va an’analari” insoniyatning nomoddiy madaniy merosi sifatida Reprezentativ ro‘yxatga kiritildi. Bu xalqimiz boy madaniyatining xalqaro miqyosdagi yana bir e’tirofidir.

Dunyoda qancha millat bo‘lsa, ularning o‘z milliy oshxonasi bor va bu o‘sha xalqning milliy urf odatlari o‘zagi hisoblanadi. O‘zbek borgan hamma mamlakatda, albatta palov pishiriladi. Yurtimizga kelayotgan chet ellik sayyohlar asosan palov haqida o‘z yurtlarida maroq bilan gapirib berishadi. Dunyoning turli millat vakillari palovni sevib tanovul qilishadi.

Plov is the most delicious food from Uzbek cuisine, hospitality and tolerance of our people. At the 11th session of the UNESCO Committee "Culture and traditions of pilots" were included in the Representative List as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind. This is another recognition of the rich culture of our people at the international level

There are so many people in the world that they have their own national cuisine, which is the basis of the national traditions of this nation. In all countries where Uzbeks go, pilaf is cooked. Foreign tourists who come to our country mainly talk about rice in their country. Different peoples of the world like to eat pilaf.

It is reported that Ibn Sina, sick, told the father of seven different types of food that his father would be cured of his son's illness. These dishes are pure rice, butter, meat, onions, carrots, rice, water and salt. But later, sometimes more seasonal and seasoned products such as quince, apricot, turnip, garlic, egg, peas, pumpkin, raisins and other ingredients.

The exhibition "Palov - Uzbek national cuisine", recently held in the Ichan-Kala Museum-Reserve, is devoted to the study of the rich history and culture of the Uzbek people and a broader tradition among the younger generation played an important role in promoting national heritage in our country, respecting the historical heritage and traditions of the people.

Scientific employee of the department "History of Khorezm Culture" in Khiva State Museum Reserve "Ichan Kala": Meilieva Z