"Xalqaro turistik taraqqiyotning tarixiy tasavvurida Ipak yo'li" mavzusidagi xalqaro konferentsiyaConference "Silk Road in the Historical Projection of the Development of International Tourism"
October 6 in Khiva, under the auspices of the UNWTO, the International Conference on the theme "The Silk Road in the Historical Projection of the Development of International Tourism" began its work.
The main organizer and initiator of this event is the World Bank.
The Silk Road in historical projection represents a unique cultural value for humanity, being a link in the development of tourism, economy and socio-cultural transformation of all countries.
UNWTO and other authoritative international organizations of the United Nations pay special attention not only to the study and preservation of cultural, historical and natural heritage, but also to the creation of favorable socio-economic conditions for the development of tourism on it.
According to a recent study by UNWTO for the world's largest "Trip Advisor" website, more than 80% of travelers in the world know about the Silk Road, and the international magazine Forbes has recognized the Silk Road as one of the most powerful brands.
Uzbekistan occupies a special place here, for which the "heart of the Silk Road" status is rightfully retained, and is an active participant in the transcontinental project of the UN, UNWTO and UNESCO to revive tourism on the ancient historical route.
Through its territory passed the most important branches of the highway. Until now, unique monuments of ancient architecture have survived, spiritual values, bequeathed by ancestors, national crafts and folk traditions are not lost. Large reforms are being implemented in the country to create favorable economic and organizational and legal conditions for the intensive development of tourism as a strategic branch of the country's economy.
The aim of the conference was the creation of an international platform for the exchange of experience, the establishment of dialogue and the unification of joint efforts to promote and develop the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the Silk Road, creating a platform for discussion of plans and further possible cooperation.
Within the framework of the conference, an excursion program was organized for the open-air museum - "Ichan-Kala" in the city of Khiva.
"Xalqaro turistik taraqqiyotning tarixiy tasavvurida Ipak yo'li" mavzusidagi xalqaro konferentsiyaConference "Silk Road in the Historical Projection of the Development of International Tourism"
October 6 in Khiva, under the auspices of the UNWTO, the International Conference on the theme "The Silk Road in the Historical Projection of the Development of International Tourism" began its work.
The main organizer and initiator of this event is the World Bank.
The Silk Road in historical projection represents a unique cultural value for humanity, being a link in the development of tourism, economy and socio-cultural transformation of all countries.
UNWTO and other authoritative international organizations of the United Nations pay special attention not only to the study and preservation of cultural, historical and natural heritage, but also to the creation of favorable socio-economic conditions for the development of tourism on it.
According to a recent study by UNWTO for the world's largest "Trip Advisor" website, more than 80% of travelers in the world know about the Silk Road, and the international magazine Forbes has recognized the Silk Road as one of the most powerful brands.
Uzbekistan occupies a special place here, for which the "heart of the Silk Road" status is rightfully retained, and is an active participant in the transcontinental project of the UN, UNWTO and UNESCO to revive tourism on the ancient historical route.
Through its territory passed the most important branches of the highway. Until now, unique monuments of ancient architecture have survived, spiritual values, bequeathed by ancestors, national crafts and folk traditions are not lost. Large reforms are being implemented in the country to create favorable economic and organizational and legal conditions for the intensive development of tourism as a strategic branch of the country's economy.
The aim of the conference was the creation of an international platform for the exchange of experience, the establishment of dialogue and the unification of joint efforts to promote and develop the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the Silk Road, creating a platform for discussion of plans and further possible cooperation.
Within the framework of the conference, an excursion program was organized for the open-air museum - "Ichan-Kala" in the city of Khiva.