Euronews TV channel about Khiva.

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This week in - "Cards from Uzbekistan" - an ancient city of Khiva, with a rich culture and traditions, numerous monuments and stunning puppets.

Seymus Kerney, euronews: "Any visitor to Khiva will immediately notice the special affection of this ancient city for dolls, the tradition of which in this region goes back to the old generations and still decorates the city life with theatrical performances."

In Khiva there is a puppet theater, he took part in numerous national and international festivals.

Such representations help to transfer local customs and traditions to new generations.

"The history of the puppet theater in Khorezm is more than 2 thousand years old and goes back to the period of Zoroastrianism," says the guide Shakhnoza Atodjonova. - Theatrical puppet shows not only entertained people, but served religious purposes, helping to drive away evil spirits. "

Tourists can also watch the process of making dolls dressed in bright national Uzbek costumes.