Today, March 13, 2018, the famous traveler of Uzbek origin Rahmatilla Kosimov visited the Ichon-Kala State Museum-Museum in Khiva. Rakhmatilla Kosimov left Andijan for Bukhara in 2017 and walked about 33 days on foot. Its route is regularly monitored by the Republican Department of Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the sports firm Sayyoks of Andijan region. This year he intends to begin his tour in Nukus, Khorezm, Bukhara, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya and Samarkand. Tourists said they have at least 15 km / h and 55 km / h. The smallest part of the route this year should be 70 km to the point after Mickey Point. Rakhmatilla Aka worked for many years in the Andijan city theater, where she is an actor, poet and good worker. Swim in the doorway couches. Now she is retired. and their age is 66 years. They say that the purpose of the tour is to love the Motherland - to go through it. The main result of the tour is that Uzbekistan is a paradise and lives in it the best people in the world. This year's tour of Rahmatilla began on 11 March. They are still looking for a routine. March 14, they intend to go to the Nuts and go hiking from this city. We would like to see Rakhmatilla Kosimov's trip safer.
Popular tourist in Khiva
Today, March 13, 2018, the famous traveler of Uzbek origin Rahmatilla Kosimov visited the Ichon-Kala State Museum-Museum in Khiva. Rakhmatilla Kosimov left Andijan for Bukhara in 2017 and walked about 33 days on foot. Its route is regularly monitored by the Republican Department of Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the sports firm Sayyoks of Andijan region. This year he intends to begin his tour in Nukus, Khorezm, Bukhara, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya and Samarkand. Tourists said they have at least 15 km / h and 55 km / h. The smallest part of the route this year should be 70 km to the point after Mickey Point. Rakhmatilla Aka worked for many years in the Andijan city theater, where she is an actor, poet and good worker. Swim in the doorway couches. Now she is retired. and their age is 66 years. They say that the purpose of the tour is to love the Motherland - to go through it. The main result of the tour is that Uzbekistan is a paradise and lives in it the best people in the world. This year's tour of Rahmatilla began on 11 March. They are still looking for a routine. March 14, they intend to go to the Nuts and go hiking from this city. We would like to see Rakhmatilla Kosimov's trip safer.