The Mausoleum is located south of Hojash Makhram Madrasah. It is a longitudinal-axis two-domed portal mausoleum with a crypt under a gurkhana with its central axis oriented in south-north direction. Both rooms are covered with spherical conical domes on arched pedantries. Yusunkhan was one of preventatives of the Khorezmkhan's dynasty. He was buried in one of the rooms. It is yet unknown who was buried in the second vault.
Yunuskhon Mausoleum (1558 to 1559)
The Mausoleum is located south of Hojash Makhram Madrasah. It is a longitudinal-axis two-domed portal mausoleum with a crypt under a gurkhana with its central axis oriented in south-north direction. Both rooms are covered with spherical conical domes on arched pedantries. Yusunkhan was one of preventatives of the Khorezmkhan's dynasty. He was buried in one of the rooms. It is yet unknown who was buried in the second vault.